Notes from Monday, March 16, 2009
a. Licking County Council of Garden Clubs
i. We will become members – Garden club will pay the $0.50 per member dues
ii. Meeting 4/2/09 “Spring Tea” 1-4 pm Martha & Colleen are going. Cost is $10/person
b. April 11th COTC “Gardening the Great Escape IV” see attached flyer for details. Gail has gone in the past very good. $8 pre sale tickets $10 at the door
c. Park Clean up day March 28th – Naomi would like GC to do the flower beds again.
i. 9am -2 pm
ii. Bring tools! Rakes shovels saws whatever may be needed.
iii. Hot dogs and marshmallow provided!
2. Fun days
a. July 18th is the flower show
b. Going to call bakers to see what types of seeds will bloom in 60 days and easy to grow.
i. 4 classes K-3
ii. Participation ribbons. We will get 200
iii. 1,2,3 place ribbons for each class (K-3)
iv. No pre entry needed
v. Will have tags for kids the day of the show
c. Next meeting we will put together seed packets for the kids
d. Colleen calling school and getting the official OK
e. Martha is going to help with the wording on the seed packets
i. Need plating instructions
ii. Flower type
iii. Date of fundays – entry time
f. Could put seeds in colored cellophane bags and tie with pretty ribbon
3. Triangle
a. Clean up May 17th 1:00 @ the triangle Rain date May 24th
i. Sara offered hostas
ii. Martha’s has tall sedums
iii. Georgia bringing grasses
iv. Need to fertilize grass
v. Gail will bring cultivator
vi. Planting zinnias would be good for triangle
4.seed-o-rama at next meeting
a. Will try and pre order if we can get sales.
i. Flowers we are not getting from seed:
1. Lysiathus, salvia & celosia
2. I will get list together of what we ordered and email it out for suggestions. We see what we can get done before the meeting.