Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Thank you and more....

Thank you to everyone who helped to clean and plant the triangle & planters on Sunday.  Also thanks to everyone who donated plants!     Official helpers are:  Gail, Georgia, Martha, Tammy, Anita, Christi, Bud, Erin, Colleen and me.  THANK YOU!!

Here is the low down:

Baker Acres: Donated ALL of the plants for the planters!  This is a big deal!  Remember last year we spent over $400 on the planters.  This year the plants are even better!  We even got some Coral Bells we are planning to dig out of the planters and trying to save over the winter.  THANK YOU BAKERS!

Amity Farms:  donated lots of hostas for the triangle, including some  really fun hostas like Striptease which is a really fun hosta as well as a fun dance.   FYI Amity Farms is the Hosta Farm on 37 owned by Sarah "the hosta lady" from the Garden Club.

Please Support our local businesses!  They are always a big help to us!

The planters and the triangle both look amazing.  I still need to call to see if we can get mulch donated. - it is offically on my To Do list for tomorrow.  

Fun Days Update/Follow Up

I also want to follow up to see who has contact who on the Pie in the eye contest.   here is the list:  (Yes I need to still make some calls - Martha I'm not sure I went over this with you and I know you have a lot going on right now!)

·   Squeek – Tiffany

·   Naomi –  NO

·   Karen Holt – YES

·   Denise S – Martha

·   Sally – Tiffany

·   Kevin H – Gail

·   Larry – (Mary?)

·   Mary – YES

·   Troy W – YES

·   Ann Cox – Colleen

·   Bruce and Syd – Tiffany

·   Charlie – Mom

·   David – Mom

·   Joyce - YES

The next meeting we will need to make some sort of "Jail and Bail"  jail - any ideas?  we had mention of boxes and caution tape - caution tape easier - boxes cooler.  Please give me your 2 cents so we can get our act together before the meeting.  Thanks.

Also keep in mind that the next meeting will also be the test run for the ring toss - please bring your "rings"

You guys are Great!!  THANK YOU!!!

Monday, May 18, 2009

Notes from the Monday, May 18th, 2009 meeting

 11 People attended the meeting

Georgia Hicks                                               Bud Fassnacht

Gail Roberts                                                  Colleen Geiger

Christi Ralph                                                 Tiffany Geiger

Erin Mesi                                                       Anita Mercer

Tammy Thompson Mary Sandberg

Joyce Drumm


 1.   We have the new web site up – also there is now

2.   Triangle re-scheduled until Sunday May 24 Due to Frost

a.    Bring garden gear

b.    Georgia is bring grass

c.    It you have extra plants that are drought tolerant and nor evasive please bring them

d.    Amity Farms id donating hostas

3.   Fun days

a.    July 18th is the flower show

b.    Discussed carnivals games  came up with Jail and Bail, Cream Pies and ring toss

c.    Georgia is checking to see if Villa will donate 2 liters

d.    Anita is checking to see if we can borrow New Albany’s PD’s cage. If not maybe TSC would let us borrow one

e.    Cream pies  - one day only – Friday night

·   Squeek – Tiffany

·   Naomi – Tiffany

·   Karen Holt – Georgia

·   Denise S – Martha

·   Sally – Tiffany

·   Kevin H – Gail

·   Larry – (Mary?)

·   Mary – YES

·   Troy W – YES

·   Ann Cox – Colleen

·   Bruce and Syd – Tiffany

·   Charlie – Mom

·   David – Mom

·   Joyce - YES

f.     Ring toss – what will we use for rings – next meeting bring all ring ideas Georgia will bring 2 liters and we will practice.

·   Scarf Rings

·   kids Bracelets

·   Yankee Trader – Tiffany will call for cost

g.    We will have a float in the parade – simple straw bales and super soakers. Bud will dress up like a giant flower (Just seeing if he reads theses things)

h.    Colleen and Mary will stay at the tent to oversee the flower show during the parade.

4.   Planters – will plant them on Sunday

a.    Went with “Martha’s Vineyard” PW pot with a taller grass – possibly a perennial grass.

·   Superbells – Coral & Pink

·   Coral Bells  - Amethyst mist

·   Supertunia Mini Rose Viened

  1. Next meeting June 15th  7PM at the Library

Friday, May 15, 2009

I just wanted to remind everyone that 1:00 Sunday is the official triange cleaning and planting

Please bing your gardening stuffs-shovels, gloves, trimmers, you get the idea!

Also the meeting is 7:00 Monday at the Library!   We all get to see each other 2 days in a row!  I'm excited!!! We need to discuss the Flower Show and some additional Fun Days stuff.

Oh by the way there is a new web site for Fun Days  check it out if you get a chance!

Friday, May 8, 2009

I just wanted to let you know that we passed out all of the seeds today at the primary school and the kids and teachers are excited!  Also, my sister Amy help pull together a website for the flower in just one day! (She is amazing!!  Thank you Amy!!!!)     We are still working on all of the details of the site but it is up and running.  Please check it out when you get a chance.  

Thank you to everyone that helped with the seeds last night!  We were done in less than 30 min!  I was amazed.  Left us time for chatting and a nice glass of wine – oh and some beer too.

Also a thank you Bakers Acres – Christ Baker came through again! J (I did that on purpose this time.)  Bakers donated all of the seeds for the kids!  THANK YOU BAKERS!!  Remember tonight is the big sale from 8pm to midnight. Food, music and discounted plants – what more could a person ask for.